System Shock 3 continua a ser um projecto um pouco conturbado mas poderá estar a encontrar o seu rumo.
A OtherSide Entertainment terá licenciado alguns direitos da série à Tencent para criar novas sequelas.
A companhia está muito confiante de que o estúdio chinês fará um excelente trabalho nesse sentido.
1/2 We are happy to announce that Tencent will be taking the #SystemShock franchise forward.
— OtherSide Entertainment (@OtherSide_Games) May 20, 2020
2/2 As a smaller Indie studio, it had been challenging for us to carry the project on our own. We believe Tencent's deep capabilities and expertise as a leading game company will bring the franchise to new heights.
— OtherSide Entertainment (@OtherSide_Games) May 20, 2020
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